Getting a handle on your personal taxes can be a daunting task that requires too much time and effort for the average American individual. Allow us to prepare your individual taxes for filing. We have experienced professionals who have prepared and filed thousands of 1040-EZ’s and single state returns to complex 1040’s with multi-state jurisdictions. In addition, we offer Tax Planning and Representation before IRS and other tax jurisdictions.
At Sotiros & Sotiros, we care about each and every single one of our clients so we work our hardest to get you the tax savings you deserve. As regulations change and new tax breaks are applied, we identify new deductions and incentives that can reduce your overall tax burden and bring you a higher tax return. Best of all, we make it easy. Just bring us your paperwork, receipts, and prior tax returns and we will take care of the rest.
We also understand that your tax concerns never fully end at the tax deadline. Which is why we are available all-year round to consult and help you with your questions.
- Multi-state tax preparation
- Self-Employed Income (Schedule C)
- Rental Properties, including acquisition, management, and disposition
- High Activity Investment Accounts, including options and commodity trading
- Publicly Traded Partnership (PTP) and Master Limited Partnership (MLP) Investments
- Short-Term Investment Real Estate
- Foreign Assets and Investments, including Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs)
- Divorced Taxpayers, including joint custody and alimony arrangements